Letecká škola
Rodinný dům
Hradec Králové
Hotel Casa Marcello
KKCG Praha
zastřešení terasy, nerezové sítě
Arbour in front of the House of Culture, Opava
Design: Atelier 90, Brno
Playground for children and Arbor, Park Chodov
Design: Archtex, s.r.o.
Arbour LESS, Bohdanec u Zruce
design: arch. Sendler
Family house Hradistko
Design: Archtex s.r.o.
Frýdek Místek
návrh: Archtex, s.r.o.
Panorama Strahov
Design by architects Skrabal and Grym
Kindergarten Duhovka Prague
Design TaK architect
Family house
Family house Mnichovice
Design by architect Bradac
Cabin, Humpolec
OK PLAN architects
Hill's Pet Hustopece
general designer Kovoprojekta Brno
Family house Kunratice
Design by ADR
Restaurace Sokolska, Prague
Design arch. Uhlík
Arch over atrium
private family house
Park Lannova - arbours
Architects Sendler a Babka
IBC Praha
Shading in atrium
Family house terrace Roztoky
Design by ARCHTEX
Family house Mukarov
Seasonal roofing over garden porch
Concept by architect Tocik
Shopping Mall Parada Hodonin and Ceska Lipa
Awnings along the facade
CVUT Praha
Membrane in the atrium
Atrium VSFS Praha
Restaurant SNOZA, Val. Mezirici
Design arch. Trefil
Shading over terrace by pool at family house Zdimerice
Ing. arch. Smola
Three family houses
(realisation Ceno Tec GmbH)
Family house Brno
Design by ARCHTEX
Chapel of rest Vsetin
collaboration DIMENSE Brno